Rising Talents LTD carries out a project management activity in different types of business sectors, as well as the centralization of invoicing for the services provided by its consultants for the requested missions.
Project Managment
risingtalents.uk.ltd@gmail.comBusiness enquiries
While Companies are increasingly outsourcing talents, and projects and punctual missions are becoming more international, Rising Talents LTD relies on a network of expert consultants to provide the specific assistance necessary for the performance of assignments. Network
risingtalents.uk.ltd@gmail.comBusiness enquiries
We assist companies that book freelancers for different missions and require a partner to centralize invoicing for a large project involving countless freelancers, except modelling and hostessing in France that are no not out legislative fields of action.
risingtalents.uk.ltd@gmail.comBusiness enquiries
Companies from all over the world may book a freelancer of any nationality and/or living anywhere to work on a project: we comply with international regulations to oversee the whole billing process.
risingtalents.uk.ltd@gmail.comBusiness enquiries
Contact us with the details of the mission or need: description of the project, name of client and free-lancer or detailed need, as well as costing information or budget.
risingtalents.uk.ltd@gmail.comBusiness enquiries